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New Handle White PVC Ball Valve – Efficient, Durable, and Versatile Қазақстан

The New Handle White PVC Ball Valve with a blue handle is an excellent choice for efficient and reliable water flow control. Crafted with precision, this valve is designed to meet the requirements of various plumbing and irrigation systems.


Its lightweight yet durable design makes it suitable for both residential and industrial applications, offering long-term performance and hassle-free operation.

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материал Ақ ПВХ
Түсті ұстаңыз көк
Қосылым түрі Сокет
Қысым рейтингі Suitable for low-pressure systems
Температура диапазоны Operates effectively in hot and cold water applications
Өлшемнің қолжетімділігі 1 / 2 дюйм
қолдану Plumbing, irrigation, industrial water control, pool systems

Басты ерекшеліктер

  • High-Quality PVC Material:
    Made from premium-grade white PVC, this ball valve is resistant to corrosion, chemicals, and wear, ensuring durability and reliability even in harsh environments.

  • Blue Ergonomic Handle:
    The new blue handle design provides an enhanced grip for easy operation. Its ergonomic structure ensures smooth and effortless control, making it user-friendly for all applications.

  • Leak-Proof Construction:
    Equipped with precision-engineered seals, this ball valve ensures a tight, leak-proof connection to prevent water wastage.

  • Шағын және жеңіл:
    Its lightweight design makes it easy to install and handle, while its compact structure allows it to fit seamlessly into any system.

  • Кең қолдану:
    This versatile ball valve is perfect for irrigation systems, residential plumbing, industrial water lines, and pool systems.

  • Chemical and UV Resistance:
    Ideal for outdoor use, the valve can withstand exposure to UV rays and chemicals, making it a durable option for a variety of water systems.

  • Temperature and Pressure Tolerance:
    Designed to perform under varying temperature and pressure conditions, this valve is suitable for hot and cold water systems.


  • Сантехника жүйелері:
    Perfect for controlling water flow in residential and commercial plumbing systems.

  • Irrigation Networks:
    Designed for agricultural and garden irrigation, ensuring efficient water distribution.

  • Өнеркәсіптік қолдану:
    Used in various industries for fluid management, offering high durability and reliability.

  • Pool and Spa Systems:
    Provides excellent water control in pool and spa setups, withstanding chlorine and other chemicals.


  • Cost-effective solution for water flow control
  • Орнату, пайдалану және күту оңай
  • Leak-proof and durable for long-term use
  • Attractive design suitable for multiple applications

Толығырақ Өнімдер

  • ПВХ-U пластикалық су шүмегі Қытай зауыты ванна бөлмесі ас үйге арналған су шүмегі

    ПВХ-U пластикалық су шүмегі Қытай зауыты ванна бөлмесі ас үйге арналған су шүмегі

  • Жоғары сапалы ПВХ шарикті клапан 1/2 дюйм-2 дюймдік қызыл тұтқалы розетка шарикті клапан

    Жоғары сапалы ПВХ шарикті клапан 1/2 дюйм-2 дюймдік қызыл тұтқалы розетка шарикті клапан

  • HongKe PVC DIN PN10 редуктивті муфта құбырының фитингтері Қошқыл көк түсті Филиппин

    HongKe PVC DIN PN10 редуктивті муфта құбырының фитингтері Қошқыл көк түсті Филиппин

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